
How do I apply the passage in Romans 12:1-2, where we are admonished to give our bodies as living sacrifices? How do we do that? Well, here’s what I often do.

At the beginning of my day. I literally go through the parts of my body and relinquish each of them to God’s service for the day, like this:

“Lord, here are my feet. They are yours today. May I walk as Jesus would walk, go where you want me to go.” If my feet are given to God as a living sacrifice, for sure there will be places that I won’t go, because Jesus wouldn’t go there. Such places as social scenes that would cause me to compromise.

But that’s probably the easy part. Feet that are living sacrifices will take me places I might not think of going otherwise. I’ll go to people who need me, I’ll be in places of worship, I’ll use my feet to take me where Jesus would go so that I can minister to them as Jesus would.

Then I continue to present my body as a living sacrifice: “Here are my hands, Lord. I give them to you today so that what I do with them will bring honor to you.” Hands that are given over to God will be busy servant hands, doing things for others.

Once while visiting a dear godly woman, her husband commented that she was always on the clean-up crew at church, staying behind and mopping and cleaning when everyone else had left. She replied, “I do it for Jesus, so what difference does it make if I’m mopping?”

Those are hands given to God as a living sacrifice. Nothing is too menial for them to do; nothing too hard; nothing beneath them.

So, our hands and feet are a good place to start with as a daily living sacrifice. Wherever you are right now—wherever you’re headed—would you offer your hands and feet as a living sacrifice? Tell the Lord that you want them to be in his control, not yours. You may be surprised to see what God wants to do with your hands and feet when they are living sacrifices.