
Presented by Lauren Stibgen

Media that we take with us anytime and anywhere is causing anxiety. The dings for emails, texts, and calls can make it hard to shut off and unplug. But what about when you are using social media to try to reduce stress and anxiety.

Is it the next binge-worthy show? Is it reels on Facebook or Instagram? While social media can help reduce anxiety by providing people with an outlet to connect, it can also cause further anxiety by causing active comparisons to others or a need to engage constantly because of a fear of missing out on what others are doing. Watching cute videos of animals or some fun comedy can surely make me laugh, and I know laughter is one way I can reduce my stress levels. Noted benefits of laughter are relaxing the body, boosting the immune system, triggering the release of endorphins, protecting the heart, and burning calories. And God loves us to laugh!

Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy (Psalm 126: 2).

I have spent some time talking about the pros and cons of social media and faith. Overall, the access people have to resources like the Bible or faith-based media at their fingertips is a good thing. There are countless ways to access aggregated sermons and to look up Bible verses quickly. In fact, when you look up Bible verses for anxiety, one of the results that pops up is 30 encouraging Bible verses to overcome worry and anxiety. This is helpful!

I would say engaging in faith-based media and resources on your mobile device can be stress and anxiety reducing because it is drawing you closer to your ultimate peacekeeper—Jesus!

The challenge is staying on this path and avoiding the countless other distractions like texts, email dings, what so and so has posted about their vacation, or even worse, commenting on something out of haste or reaction. Sometimes the thing that causes us anxiety is what someone is posting on social media. In haste and anxiety, you may be tempted to reply. Can I encourage you to hit the pause button?

You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal (Isaiah 26:3-4).

Keep your mind on the Lord, and he will give you perfect peace.