
(as presented by Lisa Bishop)

Have you ever tried to figure something out, relying on your own knowledge and perception only to be frustrated and maybe a little discouraged?

A very dear friend of mine, Mercy, lives in Zambia. She and I met five years ago when she was in the United States. We quickly became friends even though we are separated by over 8300 miles. Thanks to technology we keep in touch.

Last year when I spent time in Zambia I was able to see a project that Mercy is working on. After being in an abusive marriage and losing a niece to suicide because of spousal abuse, the Lord gave her a vision to build a safehouse for abused women and children. Mercy was pastoring full time when the Lord instructed her to quit her job and sell everything. As Mercy tells the story, it did not make sense to her so she delayed two years until finally she could no longer ignore God’s call.

Mercy said yes when the Lord gave her this incredible God-sized vision. She had no clue how the funds would be raised to buy a plot of land in the bush and to build and staff the safehouse, but Mercy stepped out in faith. Her confidence in God propelled her forward. It is quite amazing to witness.

Being the planner that I am and wanting to feel some measure of control, I marvel at how Mercy has completely surrendered and trusted the Lord to provide what she needs to fulfill God’s vision. Just the other day I asked her how things are going with the safehouse. She said, “I just take each day and trust. The Lord started it and he will finish it. I am trusting him to finish and accomplish what he began.”

If that isn’t unwavering confidence in the Lord I don’t know what is!

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.“

Jeremiah 17:7 “But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.”

Where is your confidence and trust? Are you in the midst of a circumstance where you are relying on your own understanding to reach a solution? Maybe a relational breakdown, work conflict or a job loss? Are you in a situation where you are trying to lean on your own understanding?

Ask God what he wants you to do at this moment. Ask Jesus to help you put your confidence in him and to submit your ways to him…and he will make your paths straight.