
Throughout the thirty-nine plus years I have been broadcasting, my deepest desire and prayer has been that I could somehow inspire Christians in the marketplace to see their jobs as their calling—as the place God has them to be a light in a dark world. I know that many of you have that attitude and I’ve heard so many of your stories of how God is using you to make a difference where you work.

Over time, asking what difference you can make while you’re at work can become a habitual question—a way of life. It becomes automatic, so that instead of having a defeatist attitude, you look at every situation from the perspective of what you can do to make a difference.

But it won’t just happen. We each have to be intentional about it on a daily basis, and we need to be motivated by love of God and love of people—the two things Jesus told us we need to do, love God and love people. This kind of attitude comes through prayer and the power of God’s Spirit residing in us. But the incredibly good news is, as disciples of Jesus Christ we have both the motivation and the power to make a difference.

And it just so happens that when we work as unto the Lord, it also reduces our stress, brings us joy and fulfillment, and makes our daily lives meaningful and worthwhile. It’s a win-win way to live. You just can’t go wrong living the way God designed you to live.

Colossians 3:23-24: Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.