
Are you making a difference where you work? You and I should be making positive differences where we work, don’t you think? I’m talking about extra-mile efforts that truly help the organization function better in some way or another.

Does your organization have any kind of volunteer program where employees can be a part of some good charitable project? Many companies are more attuned to that these days, but if yours isn’t, why couldn’t you suggest or start something? I find that people really want to help others, but they just don’t know how to get involved. Offer a suggestion, and they’ll usually want to help. For example, you could have a food drive for a homeless shelter or a food bank. Or you could suggest visiting a nursing home once a month just to cheer up the residents.

The Boy Scouts have a motto that says, “Leave it better than you found it.” Just suppose all of us had that attitude toward our everyday work. From cleaning up messes and keeping the place looking nice, to improving the quality of your work effort and coming up with ways to do a better job, if we each intentionally tried to leave our workplace each day better than we found it, how much nicer would our jobs be? How much easier would it be to come to work each day?

I know that not everyone will share your enthusiasm for making a difference where you work, and furthermore, not everyone will appreciate your efforts. But that should not matter especially if you are a disciple of Jesus Christ. You have the privilege and the responsibility of doing everything you do as under the Lord.

Ephesians 6:7-8: Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people, because you know that the Lord will reward each one for whatever good they do, whether they are slave or free.

Our calling as Christ-followers is to make a difference in every situation—because we are working for Jesus. I want to do that and I’m sure you do too.