
Do you know what Kingdom Equity is? A friend of mine introduced me to this term not long ago, and it has really caught my attention. I’m sure you know what equity is. For example, if you bought a house, you invested money in that house, and the amount you invested is your equity in it. And as we make investments, we are doing so with the hope that our investment will grow in value, and we will receive a profit from our investment.

Well, God has invested Kingdom Equity in all his children because our purpose here on this earth is to bring glory to God by doing the good things he prepared in advance for us to do:

Ephesians 2:10: For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

If you are born from above, God has predetermined your list of good works he wants you to do, and he knows what resources and talents and gifts and experiences you will need to do those good works. So, from the beginning of your days he has been investing in you what you will need to do those good works.

This Kingdom Equity comes in two different forms:

  • The gifts and abilities and talents and opportunities and education and experiences you have been given that will be needed to do Kingdom work.
  • The difficulties and hardships and troubles and failures you go through that teach you to trust and know God like nothing else can do.

Whether you are aware of it or not, God has been making investments in you and he expects a return on his investment. He expects you to multiply your resources, your gifts, and to use them for his glory. So, the question for today is: Have you overlooked those investments God has made in you? Or have you wasted them on yourself instead of on the Kingdom? It is Kingdom Equity, and you will give an account to God as to your stewardship of the investments God has put in you.