
Do you let other people steal your joy?

We all know people who walk through life acting like victims of their circumstances. They blame the weather, traffic, their job, or other life situations for being miserable. They look for any reason to complain, to be downcast and grumpy. When something does not go their way they find a way to complain and grumble. They are people who allow others to impact their joy and ones who can suck the joy right out of the air.

Several years ago I would ride the elevator with the same guy every week. In an attempt to make small talk, I would ask him how he was doing. His response was, “Okay for a Monday.” What a downer! How many times have we caught ourselves thinking that or even saying that out loud? If Mondays dictate that your life will be dull and less than desirable, you have just squandered 1/7th of your life. Think about it. When you put it that way it’s certainly motivation to change your tune.

You and I have the power to choose our attitude. You are ultimately in charge of the way you respond to life’s circumstances, the people around you and even Mondays. You have the power to control how you react to life. No one or nothing can make you feel or act a certain way. And nothing can steal your joy unless you give it permission. And here’s the deal: As a follower of Jesus, you have a holy advantage on happiness in life. My friend, you have the power of the Holy Spirit dwelling in you and you know what? The Holy Spirit produces all sorts of amazing things in your life and one of them is joy.

Galatians 5:22-23a says, “The Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” (NLT).

When the Holy Spirit produces joy he is producing cheerfulness, delight, and gladness in you. If you are not experiencing joy take some time to get curious and seek why. I’m not saying you will experience joy 24/7/365, but if your life is marred more by gloominess, despair, or unhappiness it’s time to do some self-reflection. Maybe you are more focused on what is not going the way you want in life and you need to put some effort into dwelling on the things to be grateful for. Maybe you are blaming others and outside circumstances for your outlook and disposition rather than owning your power to choose how you will respond to life’s circumstances.

If you want to live the spirit-filled, holy spirit-empowered life and experience the fullness of the fruit of joy, don’t let outside circumstances dictate your happiness. Ditch the critical spirit and ask Jesus to help you count your blessings.