
As I was reading John 7 recently, I saw again how God is not impressed with the same things that impress us.

In this chapter, the Pharisees were trying to get rid of Jesus. They sent the temple guards to arrest him. But instead of arresting Jesus, the guards started listening to him. They’d never heard anyone like Jesus before, and they were captivated. Later when they went back to the chief priests and Pharisees without Jesus, they were confronted. Why didn’t you bring him in? asked the Pharisees.

They answered, No one ever spoke the way this man does.

You mean he has deceived you also? the Pharisees retorted. Has any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed in him? No! But this mob that knows nothing of the law—there is a curse on them.

The Pharisees pointed out none of the religious leaders and educated clergy had believed in Jesus, so therefore he couldn’t be for real. Jesus had no diplomas hanging on the wall, no titles after his name. He didn’t associate with the recognized leaders of his day. Just because the mob was impressed with Jesus didn’t mean anything to the Pharisees because they saw the common person as uneducated, and their views were therefore not important.

Just like us, the Pharisees judged people by earthly measures: What family did you come from? What school did you go to? What positions have you held? Jesus didn’t measure up in any of those categories, so the Pharisees rejected him.

Today we all tend to be impressed with achievements, titles, and positions. But remember, earthly credentials are meaningless to God. Throughout the ages God has used people who look unusable to us. It doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to learn and grow and achieve. It just means we must constantly remind ourselves that our achievements and credentials don’t carry any weight with God.

One thing impresses God: a heart that desires to know and love him above all else. I’m thankful God isn’t impressed with earthly credentials, because that means everyone, including me, can please God regardless of what the world thinks of us.