
We know from Numbers 9 God used an ingenious stop and go light for his people when they were in the desert. He put a cloud over the tabernacle Tent, and when the cloud was covering the Tent, that was the red light. They stayed put. When the cloud lifted, that was the green light. They moved on.

God has stop and go lights for us, too. I want to talk about what happens when we stop on God’s green light. Think about what happens when we sit still at God’s green lights. We impede not only our own progress, but others as well. The Body of Christ is meant to work together, as the parts of our own body do. When one part of the body is supposed to be moving and it doesn’t, the rest of the body gets slowed down, doesn’t it?

Are you slowing down some progress today because you’re sitting still when God wants you to move? Are you letting others carry the load you should be carrying? Are you sitting on the sidelines instead of getting in the race and running? If so, you’re slowing others down. And you’re missing the blessing that comes in doing. Jesus told his disciples: Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them (John 13:17).

When we stop on God’s go light, we waste precious time. Time is a resource God has given to us for which we will give an account. Think about what you’ve done with your time in the last week, the last month, the last year. Would you like to stand before God now and give an account as to how you’ve used that irreplaceable resource called time?

It’s hard to guide a car that isn’t moving, but once you get it going, you can guide it easily. Are you asking God to give you guidance before you get in motion? God wants you to step out on faith and trust him to light your path as you go. But he’s not going to shine a light on your path until you start walking down it.

How do you know if God wants you to go or not? Ask trusted counselors; seek a verse of confirmation; pray about it much. And if the light is green, go. If God shuts the door, then you know it’s time to stop again, but as long as the light is green, trust God; get moving.