
What is it about your future that frightens you? Our friend, Fran, is struggling with her fear of being single forever. Jesus is trying to help her understand that as long as he is with her, there is no need to fear anything, including being single but that’s hard for Fran to believe. As she meditates on her situation, she can almost hear Jesus talking to her, speaking truth that can set her free.

“Fran, if my plan for you is to be single, I guarantee that I can make you happy and contented,” Jesus says, “if you will trust me. You see, Fran, if you live in fear of what might or might not be, you’ll be miserable. I would never give you a spirit of fear, and right now you’re fearful of being single forever. Can you realize how that makes me feel to see that you can’t trust me for your future?”

“How you feel?” Fran is stunned. “You mean, it hurts you when I get upset about being single?”

“It hurts me to realize you don’t really trust me with all your life,” Jesus responds. “Have I ever failed you?”

“No, never,” Fran replies. “I guess I never realized that this fear of being single is really a lack of trust in you, Lord. And I guess I never thought about how awful it is not to trust you, because you are totally trustworthy. Can you please forgive me?”

“Done,” Jesus says. “You know, this is the same issue you faced when Jim was alive. Remember when you were worried that Jim had found someone else?”

Jesus reminds Fran of that terrible time early in their marriage. “Oh, yeah, I’d almost forgotten. Because Jim was working lots of overtime, I got to imagining he was in love with someone at work.”

“You lived in a lot of fear for a few weeks, remember?” Jesus says. “And what was it you finally had to learn?”

“I remember you told me I wasn’t trusting you. Trust is really important, isn’t it, Lord?” Fran remarks.

“Yes, because without faith it’s impossible to please me,” Jesus explains. “And it’s also good for you to remember that fear of the future is not limited to single people. Single people aren’t living some second-class life, Fran. And married people don’t have it all easy. Don’t forget that.”

“You’re right, Lord; you always are. It’s amazing how easy I forget that as much as I loved Jim and miss him, it wasn’t always fun to be married,” Fran replies. “You know, I’ll probably have this same struggle again sometime before long.”

“And I’ll be there to remind you that I’m trustworthy,” Jesus says. And with that, Fran smiles and closes her eyes for some much needed sleep.

The worst thing you and I can do is not to trust Jesus. He is God, he is all powerful, he loves us and has nothing in mind for us that isn’t for our benefit. I hope, like Fran, you’ll learn to trust him more and let go of your fears, whatever they are.

(Click here if you would like to download the entire devotional for this week.)