
What do you do when you are in the midst of a battle? We all face battles in our lives, situations that are seemingly impossible or challenges that seem insurmountable. Times when our limited minds see no way around the conflict in front of us, or in us.

We face battles in our marriage, in our thought life, at work, in our friendships, with our kids, financial battles, health battles, battles with addiction, emotional and mental battles.

What is your battle plan when you face difficulties in life? How do you have courage in the battle?

Let’s look at 2 Chronicles 20 and a battle that the southern kingdom of Israel, led by King Jehosaphat the fourth king of Judah, was facing for some cues. For a bit of a backstory, spiritually King Jehosaphat began his reign in a positive way, seeking the Lord, and leading his people to fear and follow God. But like many of the human kings we read about in the Old Testament, Jehosaphat had his shortcomings. Despite his misgivings we see how he led God’s people to victory when a vast number of their enemies were in hot pursuit to destroy them.

There are five parts of his battle plan that are important as you prepare your plan for the battles you will face in your life. When faced with what appeared to be an insurmountable battle the first thing Jehosaphat did when he was afraid was that he resolved to seek the Lord. (2 Chronicles 20:3). He was determined and resolute to fix his eyes on and seek God.

When you are afraid, what is your knee-jerk reaction? What or who do you give your first attention to?

It can be easy to give in to fear and forget to seek God. It can be tempting to phone a friend and rely purely on human wisdom (which by the way – phoning a wise friend is a good idea). We just sometimes forget to seek the Lord and his wisdom. After all, the battle does not surprise him so you need to fix your eyes on Jesus.

Jehosaphat also “proclaimed a fast for all Judah, who gathered to seek the Lord.” (2 Chronicles 20:3). Fasting is a spiritual discipline that helps you take your eyes off the things of this world and focus completely on God. It helps gain a new perspective and a renewed reliance upon God as you seek him for answers and direction.

The next time you are facing a battle, resolve to seek the Lord first. Consider fasting as you enquire of the Lord and his wisdom for the road ahead.