
(Presented by Lisa Bishop)

When was the last time you encouraged someone? I mean, more than a “good job,” or a pat on the back. Not to say those are not meaningful. But when was the last time you told someone what you valued about them and showed them genuine appreciation?

Not too long ago I was feeling a bit discouraged in my ministry. I was really questioning if my life and my work in that season was making an impact.

Have you ever wondered if what you are doing is making a difference, adding value for others? As those questions were stirring in my head I just so happened to head to the mailbox, and to my surprise there was an envelope addressed to me. I eagerly opened it to find a handwritten note from a woman specifically sharing how her life had been impacted by my ministry. Now I am not saying this to boast about myself. I am sharing this as a reminder that we all need a boost of encouragement from time to time.

First Thessalonians 5:11 says, “Encourage one another and build one another up, just as in fact you are doing.” The definition of encourage is, to inspire with hope, courage, or confidence. Paul is talking about encouraging one another in our faith yet this idea of encouragement can be applied to various people and various circumstances in life. When I was asking God about my ministry and questioning if I was in the right place, I felt like that handwritten note was an answered prayer and a reminder that God sees me. The reality is, God uses people. He uses you to encourage others and spur them on. As followers of Jesus, we have the privilege and the responsibility to build each other up.

Who can you share an encouraging word with? Maybe it’s a co-worker and you can point out what you value about working with her. One interesting statistic is that 75% of employees who quit their jobs cite lack of appreciation as a key factor in their leaving. So maybe it’s encouraging a co-worker. Or,

maybe it’s your spouse. Perhaps you have been taking what they do for granted and you want to share what you appreciate. It can be a friend, a parent, a neighbor, or pastor. To whom will you take the time to write a handwritten note, stop by the office or make a phone call to encourage?

I have a plant on a shelf in my living room that I often forget to water. Sometimes it can look a little wilted but when I water it, it perks right up. Consider that your encouragement is like that watering can. A bit of encouragement poured out can nourish a soul.