
One of the things I hear a lot from people, especially women who are in the marketplace, is when they get into a situation that is overwhelming or they start to feel that anxiety level rise, they begin to ask, “How do I navigate this?” I think one of the most important things for us to recognize about being bold and courageous is where we are launching from.

What is the ground you are standing on like? It is really hard to step out in courage when the floor beneath you is shaky. But I think we can ground ourselves more easily than we realize. I think we can be grounded right here, right now. You can be grounded whether your circumstances are overwhelming, or whether the decision you have to make is rather exhilarating but also daunting. Maybe your team or your family or whatever you are navigating is well oiled and going well or maybe it is breaking down. You can be grounded when people are with you and when people are against you. In any and every circumstance, as a Christ-follower you are grounded.

The Apostle Paul tells us “Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude” (Colossians 2:6-7).

Did you catch that? You have been firmly rooted. It is a done deal. Everything else from that point is the building up part. The building up part is hard. And that’s where our emotions can come in. But I want you to recognize that you are already there. You have been firmly rooted therefore you are grounded. So, when we hold on to that, we can keep our emotions in check. When I am feeling anxious, I can say “I am standing on solid ground.” I may feel overwhelmed but the ground beneath me is not moving. You may feel this is impossible, but God has got you. You are firmly rooted.