
How do we find the right biblical balance in our lives, especially for us workplace women? Think about your grandmother or great-grandmother. Did she have a job outside of her home? Probably not. She probably worked harder than you do, but she had a much more limited role than you do. I seriously doubt that she ever listened to a message on balancing her life. That would have been puzzling to her.

But today, we have many modern conveniences that make housework easier, things she never dreamed of, and as a result, we have accumulated many different roles and our lives are far more fragmented than hers was. For example, consider all the hats you are wearing—or trying to wear. Your hats could include wife, mother, employee, employer, care giver, church worker, house cleaner, cook, chauffeur, counselor—and the list goes on!

The world approves of us based on how many hats we wear and how successfully we juggle them. Our society honors and recognizes people who are busy. We judge people’s worth and value by the length of their “to do” list. Too often we brag about our long hours and wear our burnout as the badge of credibility.

So, in trying to wear all these hats, you and I are challenged to make better and better decisions about our activities and how we spend our limited time. I want to get to the end of my life and hear Jesus say, “Well, done, good and faithful servant,” and I’m certain you do, too. We will be good stewards of our time and our “hats” as we continually grow in our ability to make better and better choices, based on God’s Word, not on our culture, not on other’s expectations, not on our own mindsets and prejudices.

My Mom passed away at the age of 95. She led a very simple life as a wife and mom. She was never a soccer mom, never had a career, traveled very little, spent her days in her home—and in the Word of God. At her memorial service, her children and grandchildren called her blessed because she left us such a great legacy as a godly woman who kept her simple life in balance by staying grounded in the Word of God—reading it, memorizing it, teaching it, and loving it.

I know we live in a different time than our grandmothers did, but we still need to keep our lives grounded in the truth of God’s Word. I encourage you to think about what your legacy will be to your family and friends.