
If I told you I was an heir of a very wealthy person—say Elon Musk, the richest man in the world—would you be impressed? That would mean I would be in line to get lots of money. Well, the truth is, I have more impressive credentials than that. When you and I are born from above through faith in Christ, our identity is truly incredible. Don’t forget that:

You are an heir of God and co-heir with Christ.

That’s what we read in Romans 8. If you’re an heir of God, that means you’re in line to inherit God’s riches. And if you’re a co-heir with Christ, that means you’ll inherit equally with Christ of the Father’s great riches. When you ask yourself “Who am I?”, and the answer comes back “An heir of God and co-heir with Christ,” then you have to say, “I have value.”

If you are indeed born from above, if you and Jesus have a personal one-on-one relationship based on faith in him and repentance from you sins, then you’ve got the God of heaven and earth counting the hairs of your head, putting your tears in his jar, opening the door to his throne for you to enter whenever you please. Are you somebody? How much more important and significant can you be?

When you focus on who you are in Christ and his power in you, then you can have victory over the old self-images and inadequacies and the way you’ve seen yourself all these years. You can know freedom from that.

So, please, don’t forget who you are. Let go of the old self-images that have been based on wrong information. Know who you are in Christ according to the Word of God, and just keep remembering it. Tell yourself who you are in Christ. Reprogram your mind to get rid of the old tapes which are Satan’s lies, and program the truth of who you are in Christ and because of Christ.

(Click here to download the devotional for the entire week.)