
Do you ever struggle with pride? I can tell you that it is an ever-present struggle for me. Through many years as I’ve been growing in my faith, this is the thing that God repeatedly convicts me of and helps me with. As I’ve been sharing some entries from my personal spiritual journals, I thought I’d share this one, which is personal—never intended to be shared when I wrote it. But maybe it will encourage you and help you to learn to always let God deal with you where you need help.

Luke 10:20: However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.

The 72 people who were following Jesus at the time were excited because they were able to cast out demons and the demons submitted to them. That must have been some trip. Imagine how heady it was for these 72 to go about with this power. Imagine the acclaim they undoubtedly received from those who saw them. They were joyful and excited because of this unique power Jesus had given them. 

But Jesus immediately reminds them that they should not be rejoicing in this Jesus-given power they had. Rather their rejoicing should be because they were redeemed, their eternity was certain.

Lord, you know how I desire earthly acclaim. You know that I want people to acknowledge the gifts and power you have placed in me. And I confess that these desires are selfish and prideful and sinful.

Please God, help me to just simply rejoice that my name is written in heaven. Please keep me simple—just focused and joyful because you have chosen me and I am predestined to spend eternity with you! This is the cure for my pride—rejoicing that my name is written in heaven. I don’t deserve it; I haven’t earned it; I can never claim any credit for it. Grace alone! May I rejoice in your grace and nothing else, nothing less!

Well, I hope you will consider the benefits of journaling for yourself. It requires some time and some discipline, but the results are remarkable. So, get yourself a journal today and get started. You’ll never regret it.

If you would like to read the entire week’s message, click here to view/download the PDF.