
If you’ve been discouraged lately, you’ve probably also felt guilty about being discouraged. But it’s good to remember everyone goes through periods of discouragement. I think it’s important to emphasize being discouraged is not a sin. God uses people who are discouraged; God understands discouragement; discouragement is a normal and unavoidable emotion we must all deal with. It comes to us in different ways, for different reasons, and at different times, but none of us escape discouragement.

However, wallowing in discouragement—that’s a different story. Jesus warned us, In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! He said, “I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

Discouragement becomes sinful when we refuse to take heart, as Jesus told us to do.

What does it mean to take heart? I think we can learn from David, who often fought discouragement. In Psalm 42, David says, My tears have been my food day and night. David is obviously discouraged. He continues, My soul is downcast within me. I say to God my Rock, “Why have you forgotten me?”

Identify the discouragement

David begins to defeat his discouragement by identifying it to the Lord. No need to put on a face and act like everything’s okay. Until you get it out in the open and call it what it is, it will just continue to fester underneath. David is open and honest with the Lord, and he says just what he feels. We need to do the same thing. But note David talked to the Lord about his problems; that’s the way we should do it rather than dumping it on others.

Talk encouragingly to yourself

But he doesn’t stop there. After identifying his discouragement, David talks to himself and says, “Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.” In the space of eleven verses, David repeats these words to himself three times. He keeps on reminding himself of who God is and who he belongs to.

What do you say to yourself when you are discouraged? More discouraging words? That’s what most of us do, and we make a major mistake. Sure, you need to pour it all out, but once you get it said, then start saying the right things to yourself. Give a sacrifice of praise—praising when you don’t feel it or you don’t even want to.

One great way to do this is to start reciting all you have to be thankful for—out loud if possible. Sometimes I use the alphabet praise method—finding something about God to thank him for with each letter of the alphabet. It’s a great cure for discouragement.