
I’ve made the point that Christ-followers should never be a part of this negative movement. Even though our faith is often maligned or disrespected, we should respond to those who insist on being offended in a compassionate and gentle way.

Jesus told his disciples: “You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved” (Matthew 10:22). That was his challenge to us when we are offended—to stand firm to the end. We need to be prepared to process offensive, harmful, and hurtful language without responding in kind.

Feeling offended is a choice. You choose whether or not you will allow someone or something to offend you because it is a feeling and you have the power to entertain it or dismiss it. Remember our key verse from Proverbs 19:11—it is to our glory to overlook an offense. And it also sets us free from self-pity, anger, and all kinds of unnecessary pain when we overlook an offense.

So, as a Christ-follower, what can you do when you are offended to deal with those bad feelings, because there’s no question that those feelings do emerge? Whining or complaining is certainly unhelpful and makes things worse. Talking about how you’ve been offended with like-minded people won’t solve anything, right? The interesting thing is, when you or I are offended, we like to wallow in those hurtful feelings; we like to feel sorry for ourselves, even though it’s a miserable place to be.

Romans 12:18 says, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” Seems to me that would mean holding our tongues at those points where we may feel offended, and when we feel it necessary to respond, do so in gentle and loving ways. You can be the voice of peace and healing in your world, even in the midst of an offended culture.

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