
Have you accepted the way God has gifted you? The Bible clearly teaches us that each believer has been given definite and recognizable gifts or talents, which are resources to use in serving the Lord.

The things God has gifted you to do are the things that make you the happiest and bring the most satisfaction. You’ll find great joy when you’re functioning the way God created you to.

For example, if you have the gift of encouragement, your greatest joy will be to write notes, help someone out, listen to a heartache—lots of things which an encourager does so well. Using your God-given gifts and talents will bring you satisfaction, and you will do those things with enthusiasm and excellence.

But here’s the other side of the coin: Never be satisfied with your gifts the way they are. Jesus taught us that when we use the gifts and talents he has given us, he will give us more. The Apostle Paul told young Timothy to “fan into a flame the gift of God in you,” and that’s a good prayer you can pray. “Lord, help me do the very most with the gifts you’ve provided for me.”

So, accept the talents and gifts God has invested in you, and then set out to grow them as much as possible. Start where you are, with whatever you have to offer, and see where God can take it.

Your Intelligence

Are you contented with your intelligence? There’s no doubt that God gave some people more brain power than others. Do you feel like you’ve been short-changed? Well, God needs some real smart brainy types, but he needs a lot of us ordinary types as well.

You may not have the highest IQ around, but you’ve got far more brain power than you realize. Don’t settle for where you are intellectually; become a student and continually work at learning more—and you can improve your mind and knowledge whether in school or not, whether young or not-so-young. Good reading habits will make a huge difference. Be curious. Investigate and learn. There are lots of free on-line courses that you can use.