
Why do you work, and why do you have the particular job you have? Do you view your job as simply a means of putting bread on your table so you can do what you want to do with the rest of your time? Do you work just because you have to earn a living?

I entered the working world out of necessity. Oh, that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy it at times. But at first I never saw it as anything but an acceptable way to pay the bills and allow me to have the things I needed and wanted.

What I discovered about myself—and what I find true about many Christians in the working world—is that we tend to divide our lives into two categories: sacred and secular. Sacred includes going to church, studying the Bible occasionally, prayer, fellowshipping with other believers, doing good things for people, etc. Secular includes our jobs, cleaning the house, fixing the car, shopping, etc. Some of our activities seem sacred or religious to us, while others seem to have little connection with God and the Bible.

But, you know, it’s a huge mistake on our part to divide our worlds like that. When we see our lives in sacred and secular categories, we often find that our effectiveness as a witness for Jesus Christ is greatly diminished on our job; we find it easy to be an undercover Christian.

Have you ever thought of this: God has designed work as the common denominator for the Christian and non-Christian, and the job is the place where the Christian must meet the non-Christian world. This is no accident. God has planned it that way! Many of us would retreat into our sheltered worlds and avoid any confrontation with unbelievers if we weren’t pushed into it because we have to work.

Jesus said he has sent us into the world. None of us is exempted from this. And where is your world into which you are sent? A large part of it is your working world, whether that world is an office or a retail store or a hospital or a factory. That is the world into which you are sent.

Now, the question is, are you there like an undercover Christian, hoping no one finds out that you are one of those “fanatics”? Or afraid to speak up when you have an opportunity? Unfortunately our working worlds are full of undercover Christians, having no impact for Jesus Christ on their worlds. Why are we often ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ? Why aren’t we bold and courageous to tell of our relationship with the Lord and share the good news with others?