
What are your hiding places? We all have them—places where we run to hide from trouble or pain or responsibilities or guilt. I want to look at choosing the right place to hide. 

You see, we do definitely need a hiding place, but the problem is we often choose the wrong place to try to hide. Think of Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3, after they had sinned and realized they were naked, they tried to hide from God behind trees and fig leaves!  

The Bible tells us that nothing can be hidden from the eyes of God, who is all knowing and everywhere present. But, like Adam and Eve, we just naturally try to hide when we’ve done something wrong. We did it as children with our parents, and we continue that kind of foolish behavior with God. 

Have you been trying to hide from God because of disobedience? What kind of fig leaves have you concocted to cover up your sin? Maybe you’re trying to hide behind human rationality: “This really isn’t so bad; everybody does it.Or: “I know the Bible says to be sexually pure, but after all, I really love him.Or: “You have to go along in this world to get ahead; it’s just the way things are done.”  

If you’ve been hiding behind the fig leaves of your own excuses and rationality, you’re undoubtedly learning that they offer no refuge 

Then there’s the fig leaves of blaming it on someone else. Adam blamed Eve; Eve blamed the serpent. It’s very popular today to blame your parents or your dysfunctional family or the government or society for the way you are. But God held both Adam and Eve responsible for their decisions and actions 

David wrote: “For I know my transgression and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight” (Psalm 51:3).  Have you been trying to hide your sin and guilt by claiming someone else is responsible? Remember, your fellowship with God cannot be restored until you admit your sin and ask God for forgiveness. You may indeed have to face some of the consequences, as Adam and Eve did, but you will no longer have to carry that heavy burden of guilt. 

Will you abandon your fig leaves and your attempt to hide among the trees and let God start a new thing in you, with a pure heart and a steadfast spirit? He’s waiting for you to say, “Here I am Lord; I confess.”