
Day Three

From Colossians 3, we’ve seen that we should wear compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. The next garment is “bearing with one another” – or tolerance. Tolerance is not compromise, but it is an attitude of allowing others to be different from us and still loving them and appreciating them for who they are. Tolerance keeps us from being upset when people don’t do just what we think they should do. Tolerance causes us to bend over backwards to understand where they’re coming from, and to give them more time to grow and learn.

How often I expect others to march to the same tune that my band is playing, and God has to remind me that he deals with each of us individually. Everybody doesn’t have to be on my page! Tolerance is the garment that allows us to “bear with” others, and it’ll look good on you!

Forgiveness—what a wonderful garment to wear. God tells us to forgive others as he has forgiven us. Are you harboring an unforgiving attitude in your heart toward someone? Even if you have been mistreated, you need to put on forgiveness. Even if you haven’t been asked to forgive, you need to wear forgiveness. And even if you’ve forgiven someone for the same thing time and again, you need to keep forgiving.

Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself, because when you are willing to forgive, it truly sets you free. Free from bitterness and resentment. You just don’t know what a terrible burden unforgiveness is until you determine, by God’s grace, to forgive. Believe me, you’ll love wearing forgiveness!

Peace is the next beautiful garment in God’s wardrobe. Perfect peace comes by fixing your mind on Jesus Christ. Have you tried any peace on lately? It’s the most wonderfully comfortable garment in the whole wardrobe, and you’ll want to wear it constantly.

Will you consciously think about wearing compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, tolerance, forgiveness and peace?