
Are you familiar with Present-Day Proverbs? They are pithy short sayings that give very helpful advice and wisdom. I want to consider some of these proverbs.

The first Present-Day Proverb is “Your day is won or lost in the morning hours.” I don’t remember where I first heard this, but I can testify emphatically that it is almost always true. How you begin your day determines what kind of day you’re going to have.

So, how do you typically begin your day? Do you begin with negative thinking, dreading the day ahead, wishing you were somewhere else doing something else? Do you look in the mirror in the morning and focus on the negatives you see, instead of thanking God that you are fearfully and wonderfully made? Are the first words out of your mouth in the morning words of praise—or complaints?

If you will start to pay attention to how you start your day and become very intentional about beginning it in a positive, thankful mode, you will note remarkable changes in the day ahead. For example, decide what your first words will be each day. Maybe something like: “I’m alive today; thank you, Jesus!” Or quote this familiar verse: “This is the day the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24). And just make up your mind to speak those words first—out-loud—before you say anything else. I promise, it will make a difference.

Of course, beginning your day by spending time with God and his Word is the best possible start for any day. There’s an old poem I put in my Prayer Journal by an unknown author that makes the point well:

I met God in the morning

When my day was at its best

And His presence came like sunrise,

Like a glory in my breast.

All day long His presence lingered,

All day long He stayed with me,

And we sailed with perfect calmness

O’er a very troubled sea.

Now I think I’ve found the secret,

Found o’er many a troubled way;

You must meet Him in the morning

If you want Him through the day.

In the one Psalm that he wrote, Moses put it this way: “Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love, that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days” (Psalm 90:14).

Your day is won or lost in the morning hours. And here’s the good news. You determine how your day begins, so everyday can be a winning day if you choose to begin with praise and thanksgiving.

[We have created Present-Day Proverbs cards as a helpful reminder. If you would like to download them click here or call (630-462-0552) us to receive them by mail.]