
Do you know how to feed yourself spiritually, so that you are a growing, healthy Christian?

Paul wrote to the Galatians that he was “in the pains of childbirth” for them “until Christ is formed in you” (Galatians 4:19). The wonderful truth is that as children of God, we have the privilege to have Christ formed in us, to become more and more like Jesus. So, if you want Christ to be formed in you, if you want to grow up to full maturity in Christ, you’ve got to feed yourself every day.

I’m sure you realize that the basic food every Christian needs is the Bible, God’s inspired Word. It’s the staple of the Christian life and unless you are feeding yourself on the Bible each day, you really won’t see a lot of growth.

For many Christians, the problem is they don’t know how to do that. They wonder if they should start at Genesis and go through Revelation? Or just read a Psalm each day? Or maybe just read a devotional with a Bible verse attached to it? How do you feed yourself the Word of God?

First, you need a structured plan for reading the Bible, and you need to read the entire Bible. I love the Psalms and I read one every day, but you and I need more than just a Psalm a day or a chapter in Proverbs a day. You need to read in the New Testament as well as the Old Testament, with some kind of plan that eventually takes you through all of Scripture.

I suggest you start with a chapter from one of the Gospels, a chapter from Genesis, a Psalm and a chapter from Proverbs each day. Keep a card in your Bible to remind you where you stopped, and by reading four chapters a day, you’ll be feeding yourself very good food. It’s important to pray before you read and ask God’s Spirit to speak to you through his word. And then, stay focused and really “listen” as you read. When you find your mind wandering, make yourself go back and start again, until you really are focusing on what you’re reading.