

The Bible tells us that as Christ-followers, we are representatives on earth of Jesus; therefore, our lives should bear real evidence that we are Christians. I’m asking if there would be enough evidence in your life to convict you of being a Christian, and I’ve explored the evidence which can exist in the way you talk.

Here’s another area that witnesses will note:

Evidence in Your Conduct

Imagine someone following you around for a month or so looking for evidence that proved you were a Christian. Would they be able to accuse you of any of the following?

  • Faithful attendance to and involvement with a local Bible-believing church
  • Daily times of personal worship—Bible reading and prayer
  • Spending time helping others in various ways
  • Involved in small group Bible study or some other regular Bible study
  • Supporting God’s work with your time and money


Would they accuse you of being joyful all the time? Would they have evidence that you always spoke the truth in love? Would it be clear by your conduct that you considered others more important than yourself and you had a servant attitude?

If someone followed you everywhere you went, would they note that you were very selective about the movies you watched and the television programs you viewed? What books would they see you reading—edifying books that inspired you?

Would the way you spend your time indicate that following Jesus was your highest priority—or would they observe you wasting lots of time on things that really don’t matter?

What would they say about the way you spend your money? Do you give faithfully to God’s work, or do you spend it all on yourself?

When we stop and ask ourselves questions like this, it’s a bit sobering, isn’t it? But it’s vital that we think about the messages which our words and lives are sending to others.