

I’m sharing with you how you can be a part of the “en-crowd”—God’s “en-crowd.” I’ve explained about being an ENcourager, and now I want to explore the word, ENlarge.

In Psalm 119:32 David writes, “I shall run the way of Thy commandments, for Thou wilt enlarge my heart” (KJV). Does your heart need enlarging? Medically, an enlarged heart is not a good thing; however spiritually, we need some enlarged hearts—hearts that are bigger—to have more compassion and love for others.

How do we get an enlarged heart? Through the Word of God. Psalm 119 is the great chapter where every verse focuses on God’s Word, his law, and his commandments. If you and I will focus our lives on pouring God’s Word in regularly and substantially, we’ll have enlarged hearts.

Then in Isaiah 54:2 we read, “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.” To be a part of God’s “en-crowd,” you have to be willing to enlarge your area of service to God. God needs some risk-takers, people who see a need, who sense God’s direction, and who simply go for it. They enlarge their tents—stretching out into new areas by God’s grace.

If you wait until it looks safe and every detail is covered, you’ll never enlarge your tent, nor will you lengthen your cords. Are you sitting on the fence, wanting to do something for God, but you’ve been afraid to enlarge? I want to encourage you today to step out and enlarge your tent and your stakes as God directs you. God wants us to be enlargers.

I think many of us are going to get to heaven and discover that God wanted to do so much more with our lives, but since we were afraid to enlarge, we missed the great blessings and joy that comes by stepping out on faith.

Of course, to enlarge our tents, we must have our faith enlarged. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God. Faith comes by practice. The more you exercise faith, the more you have.

So be one of God’s “en-crowd”: ENlarge your heart, your tent, and your faith.