

In thinking about exchanging our heavy burdens for the light one Jesus offers us, I want to remind you that If it’s not light, it’s not right! Christians should never be carrying heavy burdens. Jesus has graciously offered to take those heavy burdens and give us his light one instead.

Let me give you a practical challenge to help you see how to exchange your burden for the one Jesus has for you. First, get some 3×5 cards and write down every burden that you’re trying to carry around—one burden per card. List all of them—big and small.

Next, categorize those burdens: past, present or future. Which ones are things from your past—hurts, regrets, or guilt? Which ones are fear of the future? Which ones relate strictly to today?

Then, go to the Word of God and find a verse to claim as a promise for each of those burdens. Write those verses on the opposite side of the card and carry those cards with you. When that burden starts to grip your mind, whip out the cards and read—aloud if possible—the verse of Scripture God gave you.

Finally, every time you feel yourself starting to take one of those old burdens up again, stop right where you are and, by faith, exchange it. Remember, you may have to go through the exchange process several times in a day. That’s okay. The important thing is to keep exchanging. Eventually, you’re going to know real freedom from those heavy burdens as you discover that you can release your heavy burdens to­ Jesus. You shouldn’t be trying to carry them. It’s not what God intended for you.

Always remember this: If it’s not light, it’s not right! That’s how you know whether you’re carrying the right burden or not. Jesus’ burden is light. You can handle it. Don’t let the enemy dump false guilt on you because your burden is light. Sometimes we feel guilty if we’re not all worried and depressed—like we’re not doing our part to help. Certainly you can be concerned, but what you can’t do is carry that heavy burden. It’s beyond you, so stop right where you are and exchange it for the light burden that Jesus wants to give you.

Even in the midst of a problem and even when your heart is heavy, you can be free from the heavy burden because you have a burden-carrier, the Lord Jesus, and he is waiting for you to give him your heavy burden.

We’ve prepared some cards for you, with some common burdens we carry and Scriptural antidotes for them. You can download these cards here.