PROGRAM W-1721 – Part I

For quite a few years, I’ve been telling an on-going fictional story I call Fran and Jesus on the Job. Just as Jesus used story-telling to teach important principles, I like to use the stories of Fran and Jesus to teach biblical principles useful in our workplace—particularly to teach how we can practice the presence of Jesus in our daily lives. The conversations Fran has with Jesus are, of course, not verbal, but they are biblically-based. They illustrate the truth that as Christ-followers, we all have the presence of Jesus with us every moment, and he loves for us to include him in every part of our lives.

Fran is in the middle of an extremely busy afternoon when her boss, Marilyn, phones and asks her to come to her office. When she arrives, Marilyn introduces Fran to John Sims, the new Vice President of Operations for their division. Marilyn explains that John is being reassigned to their Division after many years in other locations.

“He wanted to meet you today,” Marilyn says to Fran. “He’s heard about the good work you’re doing with Mitchell’s, and John thought…”

John interrupts Marilyn, “Actually, I need some orientation, Fran. I want to spend the first couple of weeks becoming better acquainted with this office—your clients, the people, and so forth. I’ve found the best way to do that is to just spend a few days with individuals. I asked Marilyn if I could be assigned to observe and work with you for a few days. I’d like to get started tomorrow; I hope I won’t be in your way.”

Fran feels trapped. What else can she say but okay. However, walking back to her office, she says to Jesus, “Lord, why do I think this is trouble? Why was John so insistent on spending time with me? He could learn more from someone else who’ll have time to talk to him.”

“Remember this,” Jesus says, “there are often hidden agendas that don’t show on the surface. This is one of those times to be shrewd as a snake and innocent as a dove. Do you remember what you were reading in Proverbs this morning?”

Fran thinks, “Yeah, chapter 22. I remember because this is the 22nd day of the month, so I know I read Proverbs 22 today.” She reaches for her Bible as they get back to her office. “Here it is, verse 3: ‘A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.’”

“It’s no accident that you read that chapter today, Fran,” Jesus says. “I want you to be prudent.”

“To be prudent,” Fran repeats. “So that means I should give everything careful thought, and when I see danger, I should recognize it and not just keep going as though nothing has happened.”

“That’s some good practical advice from Solomon, and I wholeheartedly concur,” Jesus says.

“But what has all this got to do with John Sims?” Fran asks. “Is there a connection here?”

“How often have you discovered that what you were reading in my Word was exactly what you needed for a situation you faced?” Jesus asks. “My Word is a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path, and it illuminates the path ahead of you so that you don’t take wrong steps or fall—so that you act with prudence.”

“Well, I’ll have to read that again tonight,” Fran says.

That night Fran did take time to read that chapter in Proverbs again. The strong message was that God expects us to be cautious and knowledgeable so that we are not harmed by our own naive and unsuspecting attitudes. On the other hand, she didn’t want to become a suspicious person and imagine problems where they didn’t exist. So, she prayed about it and asked Jesus to give her discernment.

The next day as she’s getting a cup of coffee, Marilyn finds her and apologizes about the situation with John. “I did everything I could to get him off your back, but he was determined.”

Fran says, “I just can’t figure out why he insisted it had to be me.”

“Oh, I can figure it out,” Marilyn responds, with a disgusted look on her face, but says nothing further. Fran’s antenna is up, so she discerns something beneath what Marilyn is telling her.

As Fran walks back to her office, she says “Lord, I see danger with this guy, John.”

“Well, if you see danger, what should you do?” Jesus asks, referring her back to her study in Proverbs.

“I should be prudent, seek advice, and take caution. I need to know more about this guy John.” Fran thinks for a moment. “Pat could help me. She’s been here ten years and knows everybody.” And with that she dials Pat’s number and asks her what she knows about John.

“He’s been with the company a long time,” Pat says, “but never worked here before. I’ve got some contacts in the office he came from; I’ll make some calls and see what I can find out,” Pat says.

“Thanks,” Fran replies, “I’d appreciate that very much.”

After the morning meeting, Fran heads back to her office but John catches up with her. “Well, I’m ready, teacher,” he says with a smile. “Shall we begin our orientation now?”

Fran tries to sound cheerful. “Sure, I’m ready when you are.” And with that John follows her to her office. He positions his chair very close to Fran’s, then takes a seat.

They break for coffee in an hour or so and, walking back to the office, John brushes up against Fran very close as they both go in the door. It was the kind of touching that didn’t seem accidental. Fran had definitely tried to avoid the touch, but it was impossible. Don’t let your imagination run away with you, Fran, she says to herself, but nonetheless that bell goes off in her head.

“You prayed for discernment,” Jesus whispers to her. “Don’t ignore it when it comes your way.”

“You mean, I’ve got to watch this guy for sexual advancements?” Fran whispers back to Jesus. Fran is beginning to see why she needs to be prudent.

John pulls his chair even closer as they sit down again, and leans across her desk toward Fran, pretending to look at something on her PC screen. “What are you doing now, Fran?” he asks, and as he leans, his knee touches her thigh.

Fran immediately pulls it away and moves her chair closer to the PC, away from John. He leans close to her ear and says, “Nice legs, Fran. Very nice.”

“John,” she says with surprise, “please!” She is so stunned she hardly knows what to say. What has she done to give John the idea that she is that kind of girl? What’s wrong with the way she’s dressed? It’s a very conservative suit.

“Oh, you women, all pretend you don’t like it, but the fact is, you love it,” John says, but backs away a bit as he does.

“Excuse me?” Fran says.

“Just keep working, Fran,” he replies as he leans back with a grin. “Don’t worry your pretty head. I’ll just admire the scenery.”

Keep working? How can Fran keep working with this kind of behavior? Again she thinks, “What did I do to make him behave like this?” and she feels very ashamed and humiliated.

Because of conferences and lots of phone calls, the rest of the morning goes without any further words between her and John. But at lunch, she gets edgy. “Listen, John, why don’t you go on to lunch without me. Joyce will pick up a sandwich for me, and I’ll stay here and keep working.”

“Now, Fran, come on, you need a break,” John replies, as he gets up and starts toward the door. “I’ll treat you to lunch since I’m on an expense account.”

Again she feels trapped. “Well, we’ll go dutch,” Fran says, and she grabs her purse to head for the cafeteria. Once more John positions himself beside the door in such a way that she has to walk past him and when she does, he brushes up against her again. This time she’s sure he puts his hand on her hip and gives it a quick pat.

Fran walks to the cafeteria in stunned silence. Could she have imagined that? Surely John, a Vice President, would never touch a female employee in that way? But walking along beside her, he seems so professional, so intimidating, and so in control. Fear starts to gnaw at Fran’s stomach. She gets a small salad for lunch but finds she really can’t eat even that. She tries to keep up small talk, but she can’t look John in the eyes.

“Fran,” he says, as he wipes his mouth, “you’re one good-looking woman, I’m sure you know that. I’m glad we’ve got some women in our company who look and act like women.”

What’s that supposed to mean? Fran thinks. “Jesus, I feel very alone here—and guilty and humiliated. What do I do?” But before she has a chance to talk to Jesus, John continues.

“A lot of women try to be one of the boys, you know what I mean? Man, I hate that. I like a woman who’s a real woman—like you. Pretty face, nice legs, and great shape. A woman—that’s what a man likes.” And he looks at her with a knowing smile.

“John,” Fran stammers, truly at a loss for words, “this is not appropriate…”

“Oh, come on, don’t get upset. I’m not attacking you, Fran, I’m just telling you how good looking you are. Can’t be anything wrong with that, can there?” he responds before Fran can say anything.

“Somehow, John,” she manages to say, “it doesn’t feel like a compliment.”

“Well, it is. Believe me, it is,” he replies as he grabs his tray and heads for the exit. Fran has no option but to follow.

She is so thankful that the afternoon is taken up with a three-hour meeting, but even so, all afternoon she can feel John’s eyes on her and, when he catches her eyes, he gives her that “We’ve got a secret” smile. It gives her the creeps, and again she wonders if she’s just imagining things.

After the meeting, they head back to her office. “Well, I guess we’re through for the day, John. Will you be with me again tomorrow?” she asks, hoping against hope that he will say no.

“Fran, I’ll be with you anytime I can,” he says. “Don’t suppose you’re free for dinner, are you?”

“No,” Fran answers hastily, “I always go straight home to my kids.”

“Yeah, well, who knows,” John says, “one of these days you may see the incredible benefit of having dinner with me. You know, Fran, the name of the game is networking and building relationships in this business. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know, as they say. Couldn’t hurt to get to know key people better.” The tone of his voice gives a sinister meaning to the words.

“John, I don’t know what you’re implying, but I plan to get ahead by hard work and satisfied customers,” Fran says, trying to sound calm.

“Oh, sure,” John says, “that’s important. But a few good connections won’t hurt, Fran. Just remember what I told you.” He follows her to her office and walks in behind her, closing the door after him and purposely—she is sure purposely—pushes himself against her from behind. She moves away as quickly as possible and heads behind her desk, but he follows and traps her in the corner.

Then he moves toward her slowly and says, “I’ve been looking at those lips all day and wondering what they would feel like on mine,” and with that he puts his arm around her waist and leans toward her to kiss her.

Fran struggles out of his grip and moves around him quickly, toward the door. She flings it open and says, “I think we’ve had enough for one day, John. Goodnight.”

“Oh, Fran, there you go again. Methinks thou protesteth too much, but I’ll let you get by with it this once,” John says with a wink as he prepares to leave. This time she makes sure he can’t touch her as he walks by, with a promise to see her first thing in the morning. “By the way,” he says, “if you change your mind, I’m at the Hilton downtown.”

Fran shuts the door and collapses into her chair.