

In our on-going story of Fran and Jesus on the Job, Fran is in the midst of what she finally sees as an overt act of inappropriate sexual behavior by a vice president. She is baffled, frightened, and angry. Thankfully, the afternoon is taken up with a three-hour meeting so she’s not alone with John. Even so, all afternoon she can feel his eyes on her and it gives her the creeps.

After the meeting Fran says to John “Well, I’m through for the day, John, so have a nice evening,” hoping to get rid of him. But it’s not so easy.

“Well,” he says, “I need to get my briefcase in your office. I don’t suppose you’re free for dinner, are you?” John asks.

“No,” Fran answers hastily, “I always go straight home to my kids.”

“Yeah, well” John says, “who knows, one of these days you may see the incredible benefit of having dinner with me. You know, Fran, it’s not what you know, it’s who you know, as they say. Couldn’t hurt to get to know key people better.” The tone of his voice gives a sinister meaning to the words.

“John, I don’t know what you’re implying, but I plan to get ahead by hard work and satisfied customers,” Fran says, trying to sound calm.

“Oh, sure,” John says, “but a few good connections couldn’t hurt, Fran.”

He follows her to her office and walks in behind her, closing the door after him and purposely—she is sure, purposely—brushes up against her from behind. She moves away quickly and heads behind her desk, but he follows and traps her in the corner. Then he moves toward her slowly and says, “I’ve been looking at those lips all day and wondering what they would feel like on mine,” and with that he puts his arm around her waist and leans toward her to kiss her.

Fran struggles out of his grip and moves quickly toward the door. She flings it open and says, “I think we’ve had enough for one day, John. Goodnight.”

“Oh, Fran, there you go again,” John says with a wink as he prepares to leave. This time she makes sure he can’t touch her as he walks by. With a promise to see her first thing in the morning, he says, “By the way, if you change your mind, I’m at the Hilton downtown.”

As soon as he leaves her office, Fran shuts the door and falls into her chair. She tries to assimilate in her mind what has happened, but it seems too incredible to be true. She phones her good friend and co-worker, Louise.

“Louise,” she says with an anguished voice, “I need to talk to someone I can trust. Can you talk now?” she asks. They agree to meet at the coffee shop.