
Another mission impossible of scripture is in Luke 6: “Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you” (Luke 6:27)

Now, if that’s not impossible, I don’t know what is. When we can love people who are out to hurt us, who make our lives miserable, who are destructive and cruel, you better believe it comes from some power other than our own. And when we can love those people, there is no louder sermon in all the world.

Keep in mind that loving does not mean liking. Agape love is not necessarily a good feeling toward a person; it is acting in loving ways. No doubt we have people in our lives who are not naturally lovable. But we love them by doing good to them. Jesus made it clear that we must do good things for people who we don’t naturally love; people for whom we have no warm feelings.

Who are your enemies? Who gives you a hard time? It may be a family member or a close friend, a coworker or a boss. Can you identify at least one? Okay, then ask yourself, “What good thing will I do for that person today?” Decide on one specific act you’ll do on their behalf.

You say, “I don’t want to.” I know. Mission impossible, right? So, you do it by faith, not by feelings. That’s what the Christian life is all about, walking by faith and not by feelings. You make a plan to do something good for them, and then you rely on the power of Christ within you. The feelings may or may not accompany your good deed. Never mind. Obey Jesus—do good to those who hate you.

Interestingly, you’ll discover that when you step out by faith to obey Jesus, you’ll have the power to perform because he’ll supply it. And sooner or later the feelings fall in line.

To review, the five missions impossible we’ve reviewed are:

  1. Be kind to everyone.
  2. Give thanks in all circumstances.
  3. Do everything without complaining.
  4. Pray continually.
  5. Love your enemies.


Now just imagine what would happen if every Christian practiced these five things consistently. We’d be living miracles, wouldn’t we? Who could deny that Jesus makes a difference, when they see we can, through Christ, do all things, even these impossible things. Let’s go for it, okay?