

Time management and motivation go hand in hand. And really, isn’t becoming a better manager of your time one of the most important challenges we all face each day? How are you going to spend those twenty-four hours? Will you be able to look back and say, “Well done” as you recognize that you truly implemented good time management principles that day?

Here is principle number five: Time Management and motivation go hand in hand. They feed off of each other. Here’s how that works. When you are managing your time effectively, getting things done and enjoying the results, it motivates you to keep on managing time well, to improve your time management skills. And isn’t it also true that when you’re really motivated to get a job done, you do a much better job of managing your time.

In my book, The Snooze Alarm Syndrome, I write about the importance of putting needed disciplines into your everyday life—and certainly one of those disciplines is time management. What I point out in the book is what I’ve learned in my own life, and that is, when I get one discipline going well, it motivates me to put other disciplines in place because I am benefiting from the fruit of being disciplined. So, the discipline of time management will feed your motivation to get things done, reach some of your goals and realize the satisfaction that comes when you do. Time management and motivation go hand in hand.

I often talk about going back to the basics—doing the things you know will lead to success. For example, as a Christ-follower, a basic is that you need to spend regular and quality time getting to know God better and better—through time in his Word and prayer, fellowship and worship. It’s a basic that will never change and nothing can replace it. The same is true with this basic of time management. No matter how good your skills are, how smart you are, how talented you are, if you don’t learn to be a good time manager, you’ll never enjoy the full scope of what God has created you to do. I encourage you to re-examine your own attitude toward this discipline of time management, pray for God’s strength, and then keep these five principles of time management in mind:

  • Time management is about balance and prioritization.
  • Time management is about getting the right stuff done.
  • It is essential for your success.
  • It is learning to be present in the moment.
  • Time management and motivation go hand in hand.