

I’m at the stage in life now when I would love to find the elusive “fountain of youth.” What can I do to look and feel younger, and ignore the number of birthdays I’ve had? Maybe you’re in that same boat and you know, as I do, that the mirror doesn’t lie and you’re older than you used to be—older than you feel!

Recently I was thinking about this when I remembered this verse in 2 Corinthians 4:16 where the Apostle Paul wrote, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

I thought to myself, Here is your “fountain of youth.” You can be renewed day by day and stay young and healthy inwardly. After all, isn’t that more important than outward appearances? That matters for eternity!

So, I’d like to explore how you and I can find the spiritual fountain of youth. We can daily be renewed inwardly—which means we’re getting younger on the inside because we are being renewed day by day, made new as it were.

But how do you find that spiritual fountain of youth? I will give you five specific steps you can take, right from God’s Word, which will renew you—if you’ll practice them.

Here is step one: Pray this prayer from Psalm 51:10 every morning as your day begins: “Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”

Pray that God will restore freshness and vigor into your spirit for that day. One of the flaming arrows that Satan fires at you and me is to cause us to lose our energy, our enthusiasm, become stuck in our spiritual ruts, and just lose our “steadfast spirit.” You get tired, you become discouraged, and you find excuses to take a back seat and let others do the work. Sound familiar?

Romans 12:11 says we are never to be “lacking in zeal, but keep our spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.” I began praying that years ago—and I truly believe that is one secret to being inwardly renewed. So, begin each day praying for God to renew that fervor, that zeal within you, which will keep your spirit very young!