

I imagine that almost any of us could tell the story of Daniel in the lions’ den. You’ll find it recorded in Daniel 6. I encourage you to re-read that chapter because it offers great wisdom and insight for all of us when we have to face some lions of our own.

Daniel was the victim of jealousy from his peers and subordinates. They wanted to ruin him—not because he was evil or mean, but just the opposite: he was competent, honest, and successful. You can expect to run into that kind of jealous attack in this sin-filled world. Perhaps you’ve experienced something like that yourself.

Jesus told us that people love darkness because their deeds are evil. It shouldn’t surprise us to discover that sometimes simply our presence in the midst of sinful actions and attitudes upsets people. This is because, as Jesus told us, we are the light of the world. Many times, the very fact that a light is brought into a dark environment causes problems, since people frequently don’t want the things in their dark world to be exposed to light.

If, like Daniel, you find yourself in a dangerous and potentially destructive position because you are a light in a dark world, I want to encourage you to trust God right in the midst of those lions. Remember that the same God who shut the mouths of those literal lions is alive and well today, and he can deliver you just as miraculously as he delivered Daniel.

Also remember that the last chapter hasn’t been written: though it may look like disaster for you at this point, if you allow God to fight this battle for you, at some point you will be victorious. God will work it out for your own good. In Daniel’s case, he allowed God to fight the battle, and his jealous coworkers found their little scheme backfired. They ended up in the lions’ den and were destroyed.

Don’t allow the jealousy of others toward you to throw you off. I know it may be totally unfair and unjust, but think of Daniel and be encouraged. Remember to pray first and frequently, asking God to keep you from reacting the way your human nature initially wants to.

The Psalmist said that even the wrath of man shall praise the Lord (Psalm 76:10), and that can be true for you. Jealousy is a cruel and evil emotion which leads people to malicious envy and resentment, but God has promised to deliver the rig­hteous. Keep walking faithfully with the Lord and watch him deliver you.