
Have you counted your COVID blessings? This is the last day of 2020—a year we will always associate with COVID-19. A year that brought many hardships into our lives, many losses, and lots of inconveniences. A year we prefer not to ever face again. But through it all, as Christ-followers, we can see God’s hand turning what we call a curse into a blessing for us.

It seems that the world has been forced to learn some humility. The smartest experts have had to admit this pandemic has proven they are not able to solve every problem. It has truly brought countries and people to their knees. This is actually good for us, to recognize what has always been true, that our hope is not in great leaders or organizations; our hope is in God alone.

This pandemic has shown us our weaknesses in our health systems and facilities. People now know we need different and better approaches to health systems for the world.

We have learned that our work can be done away from city centers and traffic jams, and even more efficiently. A friend who works for a bank and her husband have been working from home since the pandemic began. She told me she loves it—that she is much more productive and it saves so much commute time and hassle. She doubts they will ever go back to a total office environment again. And for many this is proving to be a better way to work and live, although of course, it is not possible for everyone.

So, as you celebrate the New Year, don’t forget to thank God for the good things and the many blessings that he has poured on us because of this unusual crazy year of 2020.