
What are some blessings we have experienced in this pandemic year of 2020? We all could make a long list of the losses, the setbacks, the inconveniences and frustrations of 2020. But the Bible teaches us as Christ-followers to give thanks in all things:

1 Thessalonians 5:18: “Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

It is God’s will for you and me to give thanks for the circumstances of 2020—all that we don’t like about it. Have you done that? Are you scratching your brain to think of something good?

Here are some that come to mind:

Our lives have been forced to slow down and that has resulted in time for more important things. You may be longing for the busyness of your life prior to COVID-19, but have you thanked God for the blessings that have come from a slower pace?

For example, have you been praying more this past year than usual? I can tell you, that has been true for me and for women from my church who pray together each weekday morning at 7am. Before the pandemic, we prayed on a conference call once a week. We thought that was good—but once we were isolated and frightened, we knew we needed more prayer time. So, once a week has become five days every week in a virtual prayer meeting. It has been a life-saver for all of us. I have seen God change us just because we pray together for each other, sharing our joys and our prayer needs, being real and vulnerable. For half an hour a day, listening to other godly women pour out their heart to God—it has been like a spiritual formation class where we’ve all gotten to know God better because we pray together. I can assure you, this prayer time will not stop once the pandemic is over. It is such a blessing in our lives; we can’t imagine not having this time each day.

Also, it’s given many families much more together time. Parents have had opportunities to bond with their children. Previously, it was easy to just let the school teachers or other care-givers teach our children, but now there is in many households a new bond between parents and children. No doubt many Dads now appreciate what their wives do each day like never before—so good things have come from this forced together time for families. Home schooling is forced upon many parents, causing them to pay more attention to what is being taught to their children. For Christian parents, this is very important.