

I’m completing our look at the verse in Psalm 46 which says very simply, “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10). I’ve examined how essential it is for us to be bodily and mentally still, and how important it is for us to know the I AM of scripture.

Now, let’s focus on the last of those eight words: “Be still, and know that I am GOD.”

Many of us, including Christians, are worshiping false gods today. You say, “Not me, Mary. There are no idols in my house or my church.” Well, there may not be any idols of wood or stone, but that doesn’t mean that we aren’t worshiping an idol.

Oh, how easy it is for us to forget who is God. This world system tells us that each of us as individuals is a god. The world system will encourage you to worship yourself and make yourself the most important person in the world. The business community believes our careers should be our god. Sometimes we allow another person to become a god in our lives. Often our dreams and desires become our gods.

We need a constant reminder of who really is God. We need to frequently check the thrones of our hearts and see what has climbed up there to take first place.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Those eight words hold the secret for us as Christians—the secret for a victorious life, the secret for keeping our priorities in line, the secret for a balanced life, the secret for a life of peace and contentment, and the secret for a life that blesses others and brings glory to God.

I want to challenge you today, as I do myself, to take this verse very seriously and, by God’s grace, start to implement it in your life. Start each day by consciously getting still before God. Quote the verse to yourself.

Ask yourself, “Am I really still?” Plan your still time, and pray for that inner stillness you need so that you can know God. Remember the I AM’s of scripture. Write them down and re-read them often, to remind yourself of how totally sufficient God is for every need.

Then carefully keep a watch on the throne of your life to see who or what may be trying to become your god. This happens subtly so we must constantly be on our guard against it.

Will you “Be still, and know that I am God”?