The purpose of The Christian Working Woman is to encourage, equip and empower Christians in the workplace to love Christ more, to live their daily lives by biblical principles, and to go to their jobs as ambassadors for Jesus Christ.
Founded by God’s servant:
The Christian Working Woman began in 1984 as an outgrowth of a ministry for workplace women that began at The Moody Church in Chicago, Illinois. Because of her own experiences of being a Christian in the marketplace, Mary (Whelchel) Lowman had a burden to encourage women and to teach them sound biblical principles in order to equip them to live godly lives in their workplaces. Little did she know that the radio program which had its humble beginnings on one station in Chicago would now be heard on over 400 stations and crossing international boundaries! Since its beginning The Christian Working Woman has become a non-profit organization currently producing two radio program formats, distributing books and materials, providing web resources, and organizing retreats and conferences in the United States and abroad.
Committed to God’s word:
The ministry is based on the very firm and unwavering belief that God’s Word, the Bible, is without error and is the sole measure of everything we believe and speak. We believe that Jesus Christ alone is the way to God and eternal life. We wholeheartedly believe that God’s Word is totally relevant to everything we face today, and can give us the roadmaps we need for the challenges we encounter as workplace Christians.
Supported by God’s people:
The Christian Working Woman is an independent non-profit 501c(3) organization, and is supported by friends and listeners. It is our prayer that God will burden the hearts of those touched by our radio and website ministry to support the ministry regularly. We have seen God meet our needs since we began in 1984, and are convinced He will continue to do so.
Powered by God’s Spirit:
We depend on the prayers of God’s people to provide the essential underpinning for everything we do. As God leads you, would you please pray: that God will continue to guide the ministry that Mary will be inspired with God’s messages for her listeners and readers that those who believe in this ministry will continue to support us financially that we will always be good stewards of the resources and opportunities God gives us.

About Mary Lowman
I’m always thrilled to tell how God opened the door to this ministry because it helps me to remember how faithful God has been. Many years ago I realized we didn’t have a ministry in my church that addressed the issues of working women. So I went to my pastor and the elders in the church and requested the opportunity to begin a program in our church. They very graciously supported me and I began a monthly luncheon program at our church.
And then, as I was listening to Christian radio, I began to realize that not too many of the issues that I faced as a woman in the working world were being addressed on Christian radio. So I began to pray that we could begin a radio program that would address the workplace issues of women and men and how to apply the principles of scripture to our issues on the job.
I felt rather foolish praying about this because I knew nothing about radio and I didn’t know how anyone would begin a program. But I still had this burden and passion on my heart. You know, when God puts a passion on your heart you should not ignore it. He puts it there for a reason.
After about eighteen months of praying about having a radio program, I was driving to work one morning and thought, “You know, you have prayed about this long enough.” That morning I made my mind up that I was going to put together a sample radio program and bring it to someone in the business.
I got into work and there was a local paper on my desk announcing on the front page that a large station in the Chicago area had just been purchased and was now going to become a Christian station. I wondered if perhaps I could be on that station and decided that I would give them a call.
But before I could call them, on that very day, someone from the station called me. I have no idea how they got my name, I guess they learned that I had a ministry for working women at my church, so they asked me if I would be on a panel discussion for one of their programs the following Saturday.
After we recorded the program on Saturday, I shared with the moderator that I had an idea for a radio program. She said, “Oh that’s a really good idea. I think we would put that on our station.” And so I asked her questions on how you would go about doing this and she gave me the names of people to contact and I began to work on it. This was in May of 1984. I found out what it cost to put a program on the air and decided I would do fifteen minutes once a week. Then I knew I would need someone to host the program and I had a good friend who had a very good voice and he agreed to do it.
I put the legal means together so that we became a non-profit organization. In August of 1984 we walked into a radio station and recorded the first four programs for The Christian Working Woman and that is how we began.
My whole vision and my whole dream was to have a program here in the Chicago area where I live but God had an even greater vision for the ministry than I had. Before we knew it we were on 100 stations then 200 and now after 28 years we are on about 400 stations both the three minute daily program, which airs Monday through Friday, and the weekend edition, which is a fifteen minute program.
I never dreamed that God would have opened up so many doors and given me so many opportunities to encourage people to see their job as their mission field. That’s been my passion for myself as a Christian in the working world, as well as for those who listen to me. I want to give you practical help on how to live out your faith on the job and everywhere else.
In the last few years the internet has become even more and more important as a part of our ministry and so many people are connected to us through the internet. You can hear our program Monday through Friday here and sign up to receive our devotionals emailed to you each day here.
What I want to emphasize is that God uses unqualified and unworthy people who are just willing to obey. He wants to use those who are willing to stick their necks out and go to some place that may not be comfortable but simply follow his leading. If God gives you a passion, don’t underestimate what God can do for you and through you.