
Presented by Lisa Bishop

We’ve been examining ways we can foster unity in community. When the Bible calls us to be of one mind, unified in Christ, it does not mean we will always see eye to eye. But there are attitudes and behaviors we are called to display as we work toward a spirit of unity. Yesterday we talked about how to respond when we feel wronged. Rather than retaliate, pay people back with a blessing. That behavior in and of itself will show the world around us a better way and put the glory of God on display. Today I want to dive in a little deeper and talk about another essential aspect of seeking unity in community, and that is forgiveness.

In any community, especially one as diverse as the body of Christ, conflicts will arise. Differences in opinions, misunderstandings, and hurts will inevitably occur. But forgiveness is the glue that keeps unity intact.

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you (Colossians 3:13).

Forgiveness is at the very heart of the gospel.

Think about it—our sin against God is far greater than any offense we might face from another person. And yet, God, in his infinite mercy, sent his son, Jesus, to die for us while we were still his enemies. The forgiveness we offer is not based on whether others deserve it, but solely because Christ has forgiven us, even though we didn’t deserve it. When we forgive others, we mirror the heart of God, we release others from the debt we feel they owe us, extend the grace God has shown us, and we open the door for reconciliation and restoration.

Forgiveness is the means by which we break down walls of division and build bridges of peace. As a follower of Jesus, forgiveness is not an option, it is to be a regular practice in our lives.

Are there people with whom you were once in community but perhaps you experienced a riff and the falling out caused you to fall away from the friendship? If there is anyone in your life you may be harboring unforgiveness toward, can I encourage you to take the first step in making amends?

You know forgiveness is God’s idea, and it is a very big deal to him. If you are harboring any hurt or resentment, give it to God and ask him to help you get your heart in a posture of forgiveness. Extend the proverbial olive branch and do your part to clear up any division in your relationships. The enemy loves discord but as believers, we can’t afford to have divisions among us. We need each other.

Remember, the body of Christ is not made up of perfect people; it is made up of redeemed sinners like you and me who are bound together by the love of Jesus. And when we forgive one another, we strengthen that bond.