
Presented by Lauren Stibgen

Are you anything like me? I find myself wondering how another year is coming to a close. The older I get, the faster they seem to go. Honestly, sometimes I am just tired. Competing priorities of work, family and attempting to maintain some semblance of wellness during our most gluttonous time of year has me feeling weak. While I am in a good habit of starting my day in God’s word and journaling, sometimes the time is hurried. How much do I “know” God?

One of the ways I am drawing near to God this season is through studying his names. You have heard a lot about Emmanuel this season, as we celebrated the birth of Jesus. It’s the beautiful name that reminds us God is with us, but this week I want to focus on some of the other names of God.

Emmanuel reminds me of the one and only gift that Jesus is. God as man. He walked this life to rescue the sinner like me with the ultimate sacrifice of his life on the cross. This reminds me God is relational, and he wants me to know him and be in relationship with him.

As working women, it is easy to let life get the best of us like I mentioned above. Perhaps as you approach year end, finances are tight. Maybe finances aren’t only tight, but you are looking for work.

With the end of the year, maybe you are in the process of performance evaluations at work. You feel like you have done so much but it is evident no one sees it like you do.

As a working mom, maybe you are asking for some extra helping hands during the holidays from your spouse or children and they aren’t hearing you.

And, overall, you are feeling down, or maybe all of this has taken a physical toll on your body.

The Bible is full of reminders about our God. He is our provider. He sees us. He hears us. And God is our healer.

What I have come to understand is God wants to be my everything. The names he uses to describe himself to me are all reminders that he is truly all I need.

If you need extra strength for this season like me, join me this week as we consider the names of God: Jehovah Jireh, El Roi, Elohim Shama, and Jehovah Rapha.