
Wise Solomon wrote,

Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom (Song of Songs 2:15).

What are the little foxes that ruin your days and attitudes and rob you of joy and peace? We’ve looked at four of these little foxes this week: hurt feelings, petty fears, worrying, and false guilt. The final one today is the fear of trusting God.

I spent many years “doing my own thing,” as we say, not obedient to God’s voice in my life. As I look back on that time, I now recognize the underlying problem as a fear of trusting God with control of my life. I was actually fearful of allowing the God of the universe to run my show. How I could have been so stupid for so long?

Are you hanging on to the controls of your life, afraid to trust God, as if to say you know what’s better for you than God does? Of course, you don’t think those thoughts; I didn’t either. I just lived my life that way. Maybe you are, too. If you have been fearful of trusting God, I pray you will recognize it and see how foolish and sinful it is to fear trusting God.

I remember well the sleepless night when I finally said, “God, I’ll trust you.” It became clear to me he couldn’t possibly do a worse job at running my life than I was doing! That was the beginning of learning to trust God. In the intervening years, I have learned to trust him more and more, and know the joy and peace of his fellowship. And I testify to you today that God is trustworthy.

The fear of trusting God is not such a little fox that ruins our lives. It is a big one, and I pray you’ll determine to get to know God better and better, because when you do, you will trust him and you’ll gladly let go of the controls to a God with all power, who loves you and wants only the best for you.