
Presented by Lisa Bishop

What do you radiate while you wait? When you find yourself waiting on God to come through, what is your attitude? We’ll examine how we carry ourselves when we are counting on God to come through.

It is not easy to maintain a good attitude in times of waiting. We may start to complain, get impatient, grumpy, angry, jealous, or even resentful.

What is your demeanor when you have to wait? No matter what it is you are waiting on God for, it’s easy to have a negative disposition and the enemy will do his best to discourage you by getting your focus off God and fixed on the very thing you do not have.

But we can’t allow the devil to take us on a downward spiral of negative thoughts or emotions. The feelings that come with waiting will be real but when they arise, we need to bring them all to God. Talk to him and be honest about your frustration, your worry, doubt, fear, or resentment. After all, he already knows our hearts anyway.

Scripture teaches us to remain hopeful in our times of waiting. Hope, by definition, has the connotation of waiting. It is an expectation of something to happen. We can put our hope in a lot of things, but as Christians ultimately our hope is in Christ. We can always count on him to come through at his appointed time.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7).

Don’t let your feelings fool you and pull you into a negative spin cycle. I know it is easier said than done, but focus on the faithfulness of God so you can radiate the spiritual fruit of patience, peace, joy, and faithfulness as you wait.

Waiting is hard but wouldn’t you rather look back on this time knowing you didn’t get sucked into complaining but instead you practiced reigning in your thoughts and attitudes? Plus, our attitudes leak onto the people around us. We’ve all been around people who cannot seem to regulate their emotions when things don’t go their way. This doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed to feel moments of impatience, disappointment, or dismay, but as a follower of Jesus, we are called to have faith as we wait. If you find yourself waiting on God to move on your behalf, how can you focus on giving off a grateful glow because you know God is faithful as you wait? It may not be easy, but it will be worth it.