
Presented by Lauren Stibgen

Have you ever felt drawn to talk with someone, and you didn’t know why? We will see how Holy Spirit power can often prompt us to talk with someone about a specific issue or situation.

In the book of Acts, Holy Spirit power was very present in the early church. In Acts 8 we see Philip told by the Holy Spirit to go to that chariot and stay near to it. You may know this story. The Ethiopian enuch is in the chariot reading from the book of Isaiah. Philip tells this man about Jesus. From this encounter we see one of the first gentile conversions in the early church.

Are you too busy to hear how Holy Spirit power may be leading you to approach someone in conversation? Our days are busy! But they shouldn’t be too busy to the point we ignore that feeling that we should approach someone to ask how their day is going! Holy Spirit power leading you into a conversation doesn’t always mean you are being asked to share the gospel, but it could be a step God is asking you to take that will display your faith at work through kindness.

Is there a conversation you have been meaning to have but time has not allowed it? Sometimes at work it is easy to overlook the good that is going on around you—especially if other things are not going well or your schedule is just overloaded. One of the ways I seek Holy Spirit power is in the way I need to compliment and thank people for the work they do—especially if it helps me or the organization.

Waiting for a formal opportunity or a performance review may be the norm in your organization, but I find small conversations, even in passing, that recognize a team member or colleagues’ work, can go a long way. Maybe you are like me and spend time in the morning in God’s word or in prayer. It is during this time I jot down 1-2 names and pray for an opportunity to tell them how much I appreciate them.

Perhaps it is more complex. Is there a conversation you have been avoiding? You know, the one that has a knot in your stomach? Seeking Holy Spirit power in guiding your words can give you the confidence to move ahead and have the conversation. Again, spending time in prayer can bring you closer to helping seek the words and leading to this conversation.

And, maybe Holy Spirit power is moving to tell you to share the gospel at work or invite someone to church. For some of you, this may feel like a risk at work, but taking a page from the early church in the book of Acts, we can look for ways the Holy Spirit may be moving in a conversation that allows us to have that next conversation. Perhaps it is as simple as offering to pray for a colleague in a time of need.

Today, don’t ignore the Holy Spirit power urging you on to have a conversation!