
Presented by Lauren Stibgen

Did you know even if you don’t hold a formal leadership position, you are called and qualified as a leader for Jesus? If you have faith in Jesus, you are his ambassador for the gospel. Did you know even Jesus sought the Holy Spirit as he selected his disciples? Just as Jesus sought this wisdom in qualifying you, Holy Spirit power can also move in both your qualification and how you seek to select others to be part of your team.

First, consider that being known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom was a qualification of those who were selected to serve in the early church. If you are truly working as a disciple of Jesus, the presence of Holy Spirit power in your life is a requirement! Not only was considering your qualification prayed over, but God is very specific in his assignments! In Acts 16 we see God set apart Barnabas and Saul to proclaim his word in Salamis. If you are working in a secular workspace, like many of us do, consider your qualification and assignment to reflect Jesus to others at work.

We are also called and qualified to keep watch over ourselves and all of the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made us overseers (Acts 20:28).

While the reference in this Scripture is to those in the early church, we know those that are on our teams have been entrusted to us—not only by the company we work for, but they are entrusted in our care by God. If we consider the power of the Holy Spirit in our watch over our flock, how would this change how we see the people on our team? Let Holy Spirit power move in you to show them care like a shepherd or overseer. But not only are we called to watch over those entrusted to us, but this passage also calls us to keep watch over ourselves. Staying mindful of how we show up as a leader and overseer is important both in being a leader at work and as an ambassador for Jesus!

Maybe you are adding to your team. How can Holy Spirit power help you in selecting team members? Every hire is important. Consider how praying for the right candidate, the right interview questions and even timing on the decision may impact the outcome. Even the practice of pausing to pray for these things can bring things to light maybe you haven’t considered before. Statistically, turnover can cost an organization up to 1.5 times the individual’s salary if the hire doesn’t work out. Not only will seeking Holy Spirit power bring you the right candidate, it may also save your organization money.

Wow! Holy Spirit power qualifies us, assigns us, and also helps us to qualify and assign others! Make sure you are seeking the Spirit in prayer regularly.