
Presented by Lauren Stibgen

Have you ever felt like you needed to be bolder or have more courage at work? The Holy Spirit can help!

Every year I pray over a word of focus for the year. In 2022, as our world was moving back into its normal busyness after the pandemic, I was thinking a lot about lost souls. How many people suffered and passed away never having heard about Jesus? My word for that year was bold. I wanted to learn more about how to share the gospel in the places I was the most—at work, socially, and with people close to me.

Throughout the books of Acts, we see the many trials the disciples faced as they proclaimed the gospel. Early in the book of Acts, Peter and John healed a lame man and drew a lot of attention. People asked how this could have happened! In Acts 4:8 we see these words, then Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit

Filled with the Holy Spirit he proclaimed the healing he had done was in Jesus’ name! Of course, this caused even more of an uproar with the religious leaders of the time. The religious leaders asked them to no longer preach in Jesus’ name. Threats of imprisonment loomed, but Peter and John didn’t pray for protection. They prayed for boldness!

Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness (Acts 4:29).

We see the answer to their prayer,

After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly (Acts 4:31).

Like Peter and John, I prayed to be bold! The Holy Spirit has increased a spirit of power in me to share the gospel in many ways since January of 2022. Whether it is gathering with other women at work to pray, quote Scripture, send encouragement to non-believers, or invite people to church, I pray daily for God to use me for his glory.

My Holy Spirit power application for being bold is in sharing the gospel, but where else do you need to be bold at work? Maybe you need to take steps to look for a new job. Have you been afraid to ask for a raise or promotion? Do you need to speak up against something happening at work to you or a colleague?

Being bold takes more than just courage, it takes Holy Spirit power!