
Presented by Lisa Bishop

Do your words betray, or do they build up? We are taking a close look at our words, and why what we say matters. Now, I know we are aware that the words coming out of our mouths have an impact, and we also know as followers of Jesus, we are held to an even higher holy standard. Yet, minding our mouths can be a challenge. We don’t always think before we speak. This is a friendly reminder to make sure you train and discipline yourself to choose your words wisely.

One way to filter your words is through the lens of motive. What I mean is this. What are you trying to accomplish with your words? What is your intent? Is it positive or potentially destructive? I was reading the Gospel of Luke the other day. When I came to the account of Judas betraying Jesus, verse 4 stood out to me.

And Judas went to the chief of priests and the officers of the temple guard and discussed with them how he might betray Jesus (Luke 22:4).

Judas used his words to backstab and be disloyal to Jesus and Judas’ words ultimately caused death.

The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21).

You will reap the fruit of your words whether they are life-giving or life-taking. In the hustle and bustle of our work environments, it’s easy to underestimate the impact of our words. We often focus on tasks, deadlines, and goals, forgetting our words hold immense power. Negative words can bring death to morale, creativity, and productivity. Gossip, criticism, and complaining can create division and hinder progress. When we speak positive and encouraging words and are loyal to the absent, meaning we are not talking behind people’s backs, we breathe life into our colleagues and our workplace. Your words have the potential to build strong relationships, foster teamwork, and create a culture of trust and respect.

The words you speak not only give life or death to others, but they also create your legacy. As we read the New Testament, Judas’s legacy was one of betrayer. How would you like your name to be in a book that billions of people will read with that type of reputation? Not me! The point is this, people will remember the words you say, and those words impact your reputation. What will people say about your character when they remember you? Let’s choose to build people up and remember to use our words wisely.