
Have you ever reported to someone you felt was incompetent and arrogant? In our story of Fran and Jesus on the Job, Fran encounters a new boss who taxes her patience to the limits. Since her husband’s untimely death, Fran has been blessed, really, with a good job and a good boss. Under Marilyn’s guidance and with her help, Fran has grown considerably in this position, and she really enjoys working for her. Even more importantly, Fran actually led her to saving faith in Jesus Christ. All in all, Fran is more than pleased with her current situation at work.

Today as she busily writes a proposal for a new client, Marilyn comes into her office and sits down. “Uh oh,” Fran says half teasing, “When you come in and sit down, I know we’re in for something serious. What’s up, Marilyn?”

Marilyn smiles. “Well, I have good news and good news. Which do you want first?”

“Oh, please, the good news first,” Fran laughs.

“The good news is I’ve just been selected as Vice President of Marketing for the entire division,” Marilyn reports, with obvious great pleasure.

“No kidding?!” Fran exclaims. “Marilyn, that is awesome. Congratulations!”

“Well, I’m a bit overwhelmed,” Marilyn says, “but I am excited about the opportunity.”

“You deserve it, Marilyn,” Fran says, “and I couldn’t be happier for you. But wait a minute,” she pauses. “Does this mean you’ll be moving?”

“Well, that’s the other good news, Fran. You won’t have to put up with me as a boss any longer. You’ll have a new boss starting next Monday. They’re promoting a guy from the Boston office. His name is Ben Mason. I don’t know him personally, but evidently, he’s done well there in sales, and so they’re bringing him here as a manager.”

Fran plops back down in her chair. “Sorry, Marilyn, but that is not good news. You’re the best, and you’ve been such a great help to me. What will we do without you?”

As Fran learns more about this Ben Mason, she realizes they have chosen someone with little experience. She asks Marilyn, “Why didn’t they choose someone right within our office. There are several here who’ve got more experience than that.”

“My guess is that this is a young guy on his way up, and they may have him on a fast track. I admit it’s a little unusual but wait and see. He must be good, or they wouldn’t promote him this quickly,” Marilyn tries to reassure Fran.

A big farewell party is quickly planned for Marilyn, and Fran sheds some tears as she began to realize she was losing not only a good manager but also a good friend. She has found a good church in Boston to recommend to Marilyn and they promise to stay in close touch. But what about this Ben Mason person? What kind of boss is he going to be?