
Presented by Lauren Stibgen

She is clothed with strength and dignity; and can laugh at the days to come (Proverbs 31:25).

As a leader, being clothed can take on aspects of both physical presence and personality presence.

Consider the two defining words: strength and dignity.

How do you show strength in both your physical presence and in your personality as a leader? First let’s think of our physical strength. You have heard the phrase you can’t pour from an empty cup! As a leader, taking care of your physical strength through minding your health is important. Are you getting enough sleep to endure through your day? Are you able to physically move your body and nourish yourself with healthy foods? All these daily habits of health will increase your physical strength.

Now, what about showing strength in personality? Balancing strength with humility as a Christian is critical to showing love to others. Having a strong personality can take on negative connotations, but what if you think about leading with strength? One way you might show strength with a humble approach is by highlighting the work your subordinates complete. Perhaps you speak up during a meeting with an opinion that is contrary to the remainder of your leadership team in a respectful manner, or maybe you propose a new way to implement faith employee resource groups in your workplace.

Now we shift to dignity in both your physical presence and in your personality as a leader.

Dignity is defined as the state or quality of being worthy of honor and respect.

I know this may sound silly but how you physically show up matters. Are you dressed professionally? This can take many forms depending on your environment, but dressing your best and being clothed in a dignified way matters. My mom always told me to dress for the job I want, not the one I have!

What about having a dignified personality? Part of being worthy of honor and respect is showing honor and respect. Reflecting dignity to others is another way to show Christ’s love to others at work.

Dignity is a basic human need; it’s our sense of self-worth, respect, and esteem. Preserving dignity in another person means respecting their whole self and caregiving in a way that respects their preferences and individuality.

Jesus showed dignity to others throughout the scriptures. From tax collectors to prostitutes, he should serve as our best example of how to approach each person where she is at. You may be the only example of Christ at work, and showing others dignity is key.

Now for the final piece of this verse that indicates she can laugh at the days to come. The Proverbs 31 woman doesn’t fear the future because she leans on the Lord for wisdom.