
(presented by Lisa Bishop)

Are you giving the enemy permission to disrupt your peace?

I want to examine a way you may be giving Satan a wide-open invitation to harass you and mess with your internal harmony.


I know the topic of forgiveness is a familiar one, but the real question is this, “Is the practice of forgiveness a part of your life?” As a follower of Christ, it is one thing to know you are called to forgive, but do you actually practice what the Bible preaches?

Ephesians 4:26-27 says,

In your anger do not sin. Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.

When you give the devil a foothold, it means you are giving the enemy an opportunity. Anger is a byproduct of holding onto unforgiveness, and if you do not forgive, anger will get a hold of you. The devil will use it as an opportunity to influence your life, to control or manipulate you. Anger and unforgiveness are powerful and destructive emotions when we let them run wild and do not run to the cross.

I’ll never forget a conference I went to several years ago. The speaker was talking about anxiety and depression and the link to unforgiveness. The bottom line is that unforgiveness can meddle with your mental health.

When someone you care about hurts you, you can hold on to anger and resentment—or embrace forgiveness and move forward. Making the intentional decision to let go of resentment and bitterness has been proven to decrease stress and anxiety, lessen symptoms of depression, improve heart health, lower blood pressure, strengthen your immune system, and improve your mental health. Forgiveness is a prerequisite for a healthy life and flourishing relationships, and it is also a command from God.

Your father knows best! God knows the impact of unforgiveness, and he wants you to experience the fullness of life in Jesus. So don’t give the devil a foothold. Now, forgiveness doesn’t mean excusing the harm done to you. But working on forgiveness will lessen its grip on you.

Remember, we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. Ask God to help you release your offender so you can be set free from the weight of holding on to hurt. I have heard unforgiveness referred to as the bait of Satan. Give your feelings to God and ask him to replace them with understanding, empathy, and compassion for the person.

Make a practice of forgiveness. Keep short accounts and don’t take the bait.