
What are you doing with your Kingdom Equity? Kingdom Equity is what God has invested in you to use for his glory. It comes in two forms, the first of which is:

Kingdom Equity of Gifts and Abilities

God invests equity in us through our gifts, our talents, our skills, the things we’ve learned, our education, our years of simply living life! For example, a great deal of my experience in the business world was to make presentations. That experience was planned by God to teach me how to make a presentation and think on my feet, which was part of the good works he planned in advance for me to do.

I have a friend who has begun a ministry to widows in Africa, teaching them how to make things that they could sell to support their families. They have to use treadle sewing machines that work without electricity and guess how she learned to sew as a young girl. On a Singer treadle machine. So, she can teach them how to sew on a treadle machine. That’s Kingdom Equity that God is now using.

What about the skills you’ve acquired through your life. How are you using that Kingdom Equity for God? He didn’t invest that experience, that talent, that gift in you just for your enjoyment. He expects a return on his investment.

Paul wrote to Timothy: “For this reason I remind you to fan into a flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands” (2 Timothy 1:6). Fan into a flame the gifts God has invested in you. Improve them, enlarge them, expand them. Get better at doing what you do.

I look back on the 39 years I’ve had this radio ministry and I see how God has given me abilities and skills that I never dreamed were in me. That’s because he promises that if we use what he has invested in us, he will invest more in us. The parable of the talents teaches us this principle.

God has invested in all his children and he’s looking for a return on his investment. Are you using what he has invested in you to bring glory to him?