
What could you do to help your organization save money? Now, if you’re not personally in charge of the finances of your organization, you may not think about ways to save money. But believe me, everyone needs to do a better job of cutting unnecessary expenses.

From something as small as turning off lights when you don’t need them, to conserving paper, to reducing phone bills or travel expenses, it makes a difference when everyone watches the bottom line. All too often employees have an attitude of taking advantage of the company and getting some financial benefit for themselves. Just imagine how unique it would be to have an employee who simply does what she or he can do to eliminate unnecessary expenses, finds less expensive ways to do things, or more economical sources. It would make a difference.

Are there some ways you could help your fellow coworkers who may be dealing with some negative situations? Some extra-mile effort might make a big difference—something like pitching in to help them meet a deadline or showing them some new skills or easier ways to do things. I know that I frequently need help with my computer. I use it constantly yet I have very poor understanding of how it works! So, when someone takes the time to dig me out of one of my technical problems, it is much appreciated!

So, eliminating negatives is a great way to make a difference where you work. Then adding something positive is equally important. Don’t underestimate the impact that small things make—things like remembering birthdays or anniversaries, finding ways to have small celebrations. Recently someone sent out a reminder that our church receptionist was celebrating twenty-five years of service to the church. What fun it was to celebrate her and give her a little gift to say how much we appreciate her.

Making a difference at work should be a hallmark of a Christian, but we have to be intentional about it. So I hope you’ll give it some thought.